


PSO2 - FiHu - New Lv1 PA ファセットフォリア (Facet Folia) Test


Tested both for Normal mobs and Boss. Sorry, should've to put longer video on normal mobs, it got deleted, gotta go too =="

Hmm, still can't find good use of this PA, since it's almost like Orchestra, but with wider range (?) ..... the damage ..... kinda nice though. Seems very hard to use ==" Oh, and if 1st hit missed, the PA won't start.

The invincibility Frame .... is looooong indeed. Might be nice if I'm able to use it effectively though. We'll see. But dunno when, got things to do irl =="

But, will need to see the power once it hits Lv 11 or 16.


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