


PSO2: New Genesis - Br/Bo Ancient Ams Kvaris Solo


Katja becomes a menace to the entirety of Halphia: Part 2!

Buffs used: full mag, 10x Kvaris Crisp Meat, 100% cold resist

I did this in one go, can't complain too much. Being ambushed by Ams Krone threw me for a loop causing the single death of this, but hey, not bad. I guess N-Half Scape Dolls do come in handy, after all!

If I do this again I want to do it a bit more clean than before, which would require hitting a couple more counters, and accounting for Ams Krone that show up. There isn't too much to improve, but it wasn't bad for a "1st attempt and record it" thing.

I also changed the bitrate to 20k and tried a different codec for recording, hopefully the quality should be improved from the Kvaris Devastators recording.

Shoutout to NotMythra of Cool & Good for the idea, wouldn't have done it otherwise because I hate full Rayjord lobbies. Blegh.

Gear: https://imgur.com/a/dnkHtzD


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