


[PSO2:NGS] (12:19) Stia Devastators Solo Sl/Fi | スティアデバスターズ ソロ


Very scuffed run. I got a 12:17 last week but GeForce only recorded audio, so I was just trying to go for another sub 12:20 before maintenance so I could have a video. The problem was I didn't know how many resets I would need to get good rng, so I didn't sleep and this run was almost after 48 hours without sleep x_x

So, yea. I had a death and my dino was a mess. Drill too but not as bad as dino. That tells me slayer can definitely do 12:0x, but welp I only started playing this purple as slayer last week so I didn't have time to fine tune and get used to some some combos. I'm happy with the time tho.

Why Fi sub? I gambled phy down crits exploiting Sl's amazing bursts. While it's true that Bo sub can in theory perform better for drill and nils, I feel like we can kill them so much faster now that Bo's breakable part bonus is not that relevant. Also, I don't have to rush breaking parts.


Monkey: Ideal kill time is 12:22. I was on track. There is not much that we can control besides getting the down at good times for the appropriate combos. For example, in p1, I use a very specific number of spica and move sirius to guarantee that the first rage hit is blue. Having rage at that time also allows me to use it later at convenient times. The rest of the fight is just counter, rage and overdrive crit fish.

Mage: Ideal kill time is 16:45. My time was good. The hardest thing for me is I have to delay one rage so mage doesn't go red too fast. Why? Otherwise, I won't have PB for the weakspot when it appears. I need to use it at this specific time or else I can't PB dino (which would force me to rely on crits to get a decent dino time). Things would be easier if I had a Neos A later but I never got a good fixa drop. Speaking of that PB, I had so many resets because of it: active PB is a recipe for low rolls. Mage can also be VERY annoying if it decides to fly away from you. I found that doing that stay rigel, move rigel stay spica sequence after some bubbles not only helps building rage but also tends to force mage to do the wing attack and not fly away, but it's still a bit of rng.

Dino: Ideal kill time is 14:54. My time was horrible. Please pretend this portion of the video doesn't exist lol At spawn, my normal button in the controller got stuck and completely threw me off. I ended up at the wrong height and used rage at the wrong times. It was very bad. I also missed so many counters that I completely mistimed the back break (you can prolly spot me doing a full sirius on the back hoping it will break but nope). Just awful 😡 And to make things worse, my overdrive low rolled which forced me to go through an entire PB animation and burn a rage just to be done. Ideally, you want to kill dino with the 7th pb hit so you don't deal with pb animation lag and have full focus for drill. In an ideal run, I actually don't get to use pb because I don't get it in time and if I overkill dino with PB I won't have PB for drill's battery (like it happened in this run). But my dino was so bad that it was worth burning the PB there.

Drill: Ideal kill time 11:45. My time was gonna be ok but I died right before my PB to kill him lmao that was such a scam. The only bit of rng is him going underground in p1. He can't do much of that or else the first physical down will happen before the special down, which forces the second phy down to happen much earlier during bullet hell. Speaking of bullet hell, I messed up moving to the front after he comes down from the bullet rain, so my positioning was awful after I did rage and stay rigel. Ideally, stay rigel guard frames me into the bullet hell and I start countering there. Ideally I would also have PB for the battery down, but welp no Neos A, so I started my overdrive earlier to get it for that down. I don't break the battery tho so I can prolong the bullet hell. When I am able to pb the battery but not break it, I can kill drill before the second drill break (skipping that entire animation). That's the thing that saves the most time IMO and that's an advantage of Fi sub.

Nils: Pretty straightforward with Fi sub since I don't need to rush breaking parts. I played super safe tho cuz I just wanted a sub 12:20 video. I stay on front left to work towards the phy down, and if I get one ice chunk spawn, then I use it on back right for enrage. That's how I control the special down. Ideally I chain special into physical. I mistimed my physical down a little bit and had to use overdrive before pb. The goal is to kill him during the physical down. I do freeze a front right leg tho in case I low roll or bad stuff happens, like I had to use overdrive on that leg at the beginning of the down.

Gear: Gunblaze Gunblade +60 (termina 5), 3x Eclaireur Armor (performa 3)
Augments: Addi Deftmelra, Gigas Maste, Halphinale, Aegis Soul IV, Spi Triplble


Add ons:

Ra (main) - 20
Ra (PB) - 19
Fi (main) - 20
Br (main) - 20
Te (main) - 20
Gu (main) - 19
Sl (main) - 20


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