


New Cheap +90 Enhancement Trick for Eredim! [PSO2:NGS]


Disclaimer: This WILL NOT work on anything other than Eredim with an Enhancement Campaign. I could easily make it use other star rarity values for calculation, but significant part of this would need to be reworked to add addition limit break levels, as Eredim is currently the only item that comes with +60 Limit.
Enhancement Campaign is pretty much required to greatly reduce the Limit Break cost AND for 100% Great Success Boost.

Get the calculator here:

Music Used:
PSO2:NGS OST - Solitude within the Blizzard (Night Scenery)

00:00 Setting up & Buying Materials
00:54 Limit Breaking Main Fodders
01:21 Prepping EXP Fodders
01:47 Enhancing the Starting Main Fodder
02:23 Exponential EXP Growth
03:42 +90 Achieved!
03:59 Other Variations
04;56 Calculator


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