


[PSO2 NGS] Malignant Dark Falz Solus Solo Bo/Sl 14:33 悪性ダーク・ファルツ・ソルス


I hate this game. Thank god i'm finally free from Malignant solus. I SPENT AT LEAST 4 HHOURS A DAY FOR A WEEK GRINDNG FOR THE RNG NEEDED TO CLEAAAAAAAAR. Rage aside. I hate this fight solo. Solus is garbage to solo because of how RNG dependent it is. If solus flails its arms too much while the cores are exposed you can kiss the run goodbye. If you dont crit hydra enough times you can kiss the run goodbye too. Phase 2 is actually the EASY part compared to phase 1. I swear the majority of my runs died in Phase 1 instead of 2. I'm done with Solus. Gonna go play a Farming Sim which is perfect for a gamer god like me. Blessed be our lordly father Garoa

Death compilation will be up soon because i've got like 4-5 hours of footage saved before i had to start nuking to save my hardrive space.

Some minor stuff:

Fixa attack was chosen over fatale because fatale is trash. The moment i swapped off fatale i noticed a huge gain in dps. No Abandac or Unwix cause im a broke ass person who would rather spend that meseta on cosmetics then multiple weapons which will be outdated soon. Fixa attack was "gifted" to me royally discounted by my friend Kumi. Without him this clear would likely not of been possible so thank you dude your the best friend someone could ask for.

2 Ektasis units. I don't think it matters much having these because it just brings me closer to how much damage someone using Abandac/Unwix likely has. Either way both are orgys 3 with identical affixes.

Thats all. I hope you all enjoy what was probably my biggest struggle to date in this game.

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