

The Forestの攻略動画

Rotational Grazing in a Forest Environment


After 4 years I have finally managed to sustain my horses in an extremely natural setting. I had a boarder when we first came across this little piece of heaven. For two years I allowed her horse free board. As time went on I was the black stable hand. Jealousy over the horse preferring me over her was quite apparent. People who board horses have no idea what a true and close bond with a horse is. To make a long story short I asked for $100 per month. Within a week she said and I quote with a very snobby attitude "I'll be moving my horse at the end of the month. I want her to graze more" so here you have it, I now have figured out exactly how to maintain a pasture and forest. With rotational grazing they don't even eat hay in the summer anymore. From what I see her horse eats hay all year long. Sometimes the grass isn't greener on the other side of the fence LOL

-The Forestの攻略動画

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