

トレクル(ワンピース トレジャークルーズ)の攻略動画

[トレクル] OPTC JAPAN - Garp Challenge Revolutionary Army 2 (13*) VS V4 Law Halloween Team!


Run by EikoCarol

Very safe team but there is no overdamage in the last stage.
Support: QCK Bepo ID #1749 on Law (very useful for Karasu's stage)
The rest of the supports are stats, the higher the better, like Bullet, V3 Kata ecc. Mine are not the best since I don't have many support items.
All characters have LB (V4 Law has LB+ but not fully unlocked) and 350+ CC.

-トレクル(ワンピース トレジャークルーズ)の攻略動画

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