


Why Are GAMERS ANGRY With Tekken 8?


The year is no stranger to controversies, no matter how well-regarded a game is, but the fighting game genre has faced exceptional backlash over the past many months. Whether it's Street Fighter 6's exorbitant outfit prices or Mortal Kombat 1's irritating monetization, fans are more fed up than ever.

So, when Bandai Namco announced a cash shop for Tekken 8, which saw exceptional acclaim after launching in January 2024, there was concern among the community. The development team promised it wouldn't be predatory like "modern stores" until it also announced a Battle Pass. As the shop went live, players finally saw the full extent of the microtransactions.

Here's what's going on with Tekken 8's monetization and why players aren't happy, especially with all the other problems the recent patch has introduced.


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