

アイドルマスター(アイドルマスター ミリオンライブ! シアターデイズ)の攻略動画

TISP MISPEP アイドルマスターエスピーSP SM Yayoi 16th 2nd IU Audition & Performance


The skipped video in between the video after this.

I'll have to postpone my initial plan as i recently started the Naruto Online game again. I will upload the vids i recorded from IM SP though but the planned OFA sadly won't be included, and some vids for NO that i recently recorded. I still need about 500+ subscribers on my channel and I will upload 23 videos to complete the latest playlist i made with a total size of 9.53 GB which should do until 08/13/18... I've still got ways to go huh?

Please like and/or sub if you find a video in my channel that you liked. You can even pm me if you have a request and i will consider weather or not to do so. Or ask for an upload on one of my many playlist that i will most certainly try to do so.

I will continue waiting for the 2 constructive criticism on either my grammar and/or method of story telling by reviews or review replies on my 4 Cruses story as I try uploading my 1st Naruto one shot as I refuse to do another chap with my current skill in grammar at least.

PM and/or comment to me the playlist you want to be uploaded. And I hope you will help me with my fanfics at Fanfiction.net by pointing out my Grammar mistakes. Just search for my user name there that is ALostBlueIdiot would very much appreciated it if you can help me with that.

My fanfiction.net account link is below


Anyone watching my videos are welcome to comment (which I will always reply to though please observe good net manners as I have all my videos on public), request (which I will give considerable thought before deciding to either go with it, decline or stall cause of time that I might need to to record and upload the video or fund I need for it) and suggestions to help my channel grow (by increasing video view counts and ways to share it in more sites for the effect of the former). Thanks in advance for those who decided to help me with their suggestions and referrals (by either telling others about my channel) plus for those commented and finally to those who viewed my videos though since youtube does not have a break down on who viewed my views other than from which country I really can't thank you unless you revealed yourself right?

Please Take note of the videos with with PH at the start as I need help with those so I could share more videos here.

I'm also having problems installing the Eng Patched 1st GA Trilogy to my new Desktop as well as the Text Problem for the 1st which I seem to have forgotten how to do so. If Anyone knows the solution to these problems then please tell me, I would greatly appreciate it as well as installation problems.


-アイドルマスター(アイドルマスター ミリオンライブ! シアターデイズ)の攻略動画

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