


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PSP) [7] | Underground Caverns


Part 7 of a playthrough for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PSP), a playable classic remake unlocked by finding a collectible in Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles.

In this video, we:

+ Enter Alucard's Nightmare and face down our next boss, the Succubus.
+ Pick up a Gold Ring which appears after we exit the Nightmare.
+ Move deeper into the Underground Caverns, taking on our next boss, a multi-headed Scylla.
+ Meet the Ferryman, who takes us to our next relic, the Merman Statue, which summons the Ferryman to another location in the Underground Caverns.
+ Meet the Ferryman at the opposite end of the Underground Caverns, who takes us to our next relic, the Holy Symbol (literally a snorkel), which allows us to enter deep bodies of water without taking damage.
+ Obtain various powerups along the way.


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