


[Granblue Fantasy] Lucilius Hard Solo Wind Magna Masquerade Yurius 5* / [グラブル] ルシファー HL風マグナソロ ユリウス最終


First impression of Yurius uncap: it's nice, but doesn't seem worth writing home about.

breakdown of changes:
-ougi: 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns - might be the best change; could see some comps where Yurius gets fed meter with Summer Korwa 1 to compensate for MC having less utility skills
-skill 3: wind def down - doesn't do anything here besides provide another debuff for the count; Yurius 1x4 + Andira permanent debuff caps def down already
-new skill 4: nuke/10% debuff resist down/dot/self heal, doublecast on 10+ debuffs - Andira feeding the team 30% debuff accuracy and full heals makes it not very exciting, but it also doesn't hurt
-passive: supplemental damage based on debuffs - sure, goes with Korwa's echoes

The uncap definitely makes it easier to clear debuff trial. Ten debuffs usually takes five permanent debuffs, atk/def down, and then three more from somewhere. Putrefy and Poison are common, but outside of Robin Hood solos with debuff resist down on ougi from Sherwood Bow, the tenth would usually have to be hoping for Yurius to land one of his local debuffs since spending Gravity early into trials is risky. I've had runs where Yurius wasted colossal amounts of time by going 40+ casts of 1 without finding the last debuff, so two new debuffs from 3 and 4 are definitely welcome. This also opens the potential to free up Hal/Mal's permanent slot in the summon grid.

Masquerade's alright. Not entirely sold on Bounce Chasse since the team can't really reach 30 hits to activate the class passive without it, while Non-Sequence should reliably pick up a stack every time it's off cooldown once the wings are dead. I do appreciate having a 30 hit trial setup in one button, though, and the assassin turn going into Gopherwood is nice.

Gachapin is there because I choked during Gopherwood in my first attempt in embarrassing fashion and I wanted a backup option so that I wouldn't have to do it again; it's late already. (That's the same reason I cut corners on editing this.)

no ship/reactor
start 0:00
wings 50% 6:39
wings 0% 13:21
body 25% 22:01


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