


[Granblue Fantasy] Beelzebub Solo Earth Magna Cavalier w/ Cucouroux No F5 / [グラブル] バブHLソロ 土マグナキャバルリー


The lede being buried is that it's a Cucouroux setup. She wound up much stronger than I expected.

It's really nice that she still gets mileage out of being surrounded with ougi components; an ougi generates enough stacks for a click of her instant attack, which isn't quite an ougi on nuke but might be more useful in being deployable to cancel a damage omen down the line. She could have done with one or two of the other supplemental weapons; cutting some HP would have been fine. Even without that extra grid support, though, she's capable of getting a lot done. Cidala outdamages her probably only on account of that.

Considering that she has three damage skills, she even manages to pack some utility in. Stackable atk/def frees a summon slot that'd otherwise have been Blessed Wedding, her hostility mitigates a bit of damage, and some debuff count for 30% if needed.

Cavalier MC has a good ougi mainhand and some extra hostility so Cucouroux dodges a bit more. It's nothing crucial, though; MC could have done nothing and the team would have been fine. The run itself was far more straightforward than I had intended; gravity to enable double delay never even came up and forgetting to use Yggdrasil call and Just the Cure was barely important. Satyr might have had a bit more health by the end, but it certainly wasn't anything fatal.

earth ship 10%/earth reactor 10%
0:00 100%
6:38 75%
11:03 50%
15:28 30%


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