

トレクル(ワンピース トレジャークルーズ)の攻略動画

Wow Wow Wow | Dex Sabo Sugofest | One Piece Treasure Cruise | ワンピース (トレクル)


Just a cheeky 2 multi pulls for Treasure Map and ya boi Dex Sabo! Hope everyone's pulls went well!! And I am feeling a lot better and refreshed with the love you guys dropped me! Thank you all.

Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AsianGuyJump

My social media links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/atsuroz
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/asianguystream
Discord: https://discord.gg/fDSzfPk
Reddit: Atsuroz

OPTC Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/
Japan Uber Alles: https://twitter.com/japanuberalles
Worst Generation: https://twitter.com/WGOPTCNEWS
Gamewith: https://xn--pck6bvfc.gamewith.jp/

#OnePieceTreasureCruise #OPTC #TreCru #OnePiece #v3sabo #notv2sabo

-トレクル(ワンピース トレジャークルーズ)の攻略動画

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