


I had no idea #shorts


I didn't know that it was possible to use throwblasts in Bitterblack Isle for this. #shorts

There really are more to Dragon's dogmas details than meets the eye.

After having his heart stolen by the great dragon Grigore the arisen sets out on a journey to recover that which he has lost, on his journey he encounters many future allies and a people called the pawn legion claiming that they will help him on his journey and in his fight against the dragon.

Dragon's dogma is a fantastic and highly recommended adventure Rpg produced by Capcom with a deep story and a fantastic combat system.

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Salt and dragons.

using throwblast in dragon's dogma bitterblack isle while playing as a mystic knight while strider pawn is in a bad spot.

Check out my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/renegade_collectors/

Until next time arisen.

Fire, lend thy kiss!


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