


🌋An Upcoming MMO We Don't Notice|Final Fantasy XIV After 150+ Hours Review| Maplestory 2 Beta


Final Fantasy XIV has officially got me addicted. Where it takes me from here... I have no idea!

But, we need to talk about something else as well 🤓...

Final Fantasy XIV is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game for Microsoft Windows personal computers, developed and published by Square Enix in 2010.


Friend Code for FFXIV: 5BDGG2PX

Fractured MMO - This game has untold potential.
Fractured is the first open-world sandbox MMORPG mixing action combat with fully interactable environments, appealing equally to lovers of competitive and cooperative gameplay. Jump right into the fray from day one. Defeat your enemies through your own skill and cleverness, not equipment or level. Gather resources, craft, trade and venture into legendary travels as a solitary hero, or start a settlement with your guild and grow it into the next empire.

Referral Key: https://fracturedmmo.com/?refcode=sermedieval

https://fracturedmmo.com/ - Website

Fractured Upcoming Q&A:

July 16th Crafting & Building Q&A Livestream

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dymstudios/fractured-the-dynamic-mmo?ref=6zy4q7 - Kickstarter Program

It deserves a look!

Maplestory 2 Beta:

Closed Beta Information: http://maplestory2.nexon.net/en/news/article/32036/closed-beta-2-access


Twitter: https://twitter.com/SerMedieval
Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/sermedieval
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/sermedieval/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sermedieval

The Guild of Ambience -

Welcome to my channel, I'm a variety content creator dedicated to delivering entertaining/informative videos to the public in the forms of in-depth Game Reviews, Game Guides, Gaming News, and even Let's Plays.


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