


Gamergirl5317 plays Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers Thaumaturge part 1


Thank you for watching, , my connection is not always great but sometimes holds for hours depending on game servers and Internet speed.
DISCLAIMER: ALL GAMES ON THIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL HAVE ADULT CONTENT AND IS NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN's EYES OR EARS OR FOR SNOWFLAKES THAT HATE VIOLENCE IN GAMES AND MY STREAMS ARE NOT FOR FEMINIST OR THOSE THAT SUPPORT NOT SHOWING SKIN ALL OUTFITS ON MY STREAM SHOW THE BEST BITS OF WOMEN.and that female characters play both a supporting and leading role, I take no responsibility for what people do or say after or during watching of my stream or videos, the only person responsible for your actions is you.includeing what you say, if i or
one of my moderators see rudeness or other hateful chat your auto banned


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