


Pokemon Go Security issue! How to remove Pokemon's google account access.


*update July 13, 2016 - Poke'mon Go has released an update to only request basic information now for new players. However; if you signed up before the update, you'll still need to remove the access in your Google account or else they will still have full access. Then you can sign into the game again and it will request basic information. Note - simply downloading the update will not fix the problem!

This is a tutorial video on how to revoke and remove Niantic's access to your Google account from the popular Pokemon Go application.

With the release of Poke'mon Go, many users signed up without knowing what security account rights they were allowing the game makers to have access to. When a player agrees to the terms, Pokemon asks for permission to have full access to their google account. This includes any and all information that the user has. Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Plus, pictures and anything else tied to that google account.

Please share so more people can make an informed decision when signing up to play this game.


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