


【MMD艦これ】エイリアンエイリアン / [ Alien-Alien ]


※ Please do not Re-Upload and edit this MV !! ※

△ The resolution of this MV is 1080p: 1920x1080. △

□ I haven't edited it with OP or lyrics. □
   □ Thank you for your comment ! □

◇ Cast:【Tsumi-style Kashima ver.1.1b】【Aoi-style Kūbo suiki】

◇ Music Sauce Video:https://youtu.be/66PVnMROK7s

◇ Other / Cooperation:Thank you to all MMD Creators !

PS:The number of video files has increased even more than the glow I uploaded the other day.
   Editing also bothered me.
    Most of the materials were produced and highly edited and readjusted repeatedly.
     But the first thing that bothered me was the repeated white tone adjustments!


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