


Talking About The Latest Unfounded TEKKEN Rumours! / 『鉄拳』最新作の根も葉もない噂を一刀両断!etc. 原田に何でも質問&人生相談Ⅱ-前編-


This week on Harada's Bar...
Harada answers questions about everything from the latest unfounded TEKKEN rumours to life advice on being a NEET. Harada will answer it all!

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◆「Harada's Bar・はらだのばぁー」を続けるには皆さんの協力が必要です◆
The continuation of Harada’s Bar requires your cooperation

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If you violate any of these rules you may be reported, blocked or have your comment deleted by moderators.

Commenting Rules
The following are the rules for commenting.
Committing any of the violations below here or on another channel may lead to being reported, blocked or having your comments deleted.

Slander, insults, abusive language, rough language, or vulgar language

・出演者や制作者 他の視聴者さんへの尊重や配慮のない方
Lack of respect or care for the cast, producers, or other viewers

Leave comments for advertising purposes

Impersonate celebrities or other famous people (Accounts using their icons and name)

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皆さんのご協力 よろしくお願いします。
I would like to ask for everyone's cooperation.
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✒Harada's Bar(はらだのばぁー)Twitter

✒Katsuhiro Harada(原田 勝弘)Twitter


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【Executive producer / 企画・構成・総合演出】
Yoshiteru Sena
Mallet of Luck Corporation
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【Production Management / 著作・製作】
Mallet of Luck Corporation
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#原田勝弘 #KatsuhiroHarada #はらだのばぁー #HaradasBar #鉄拳 #Tekken #eスポーツ #eSports


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