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Jedi marketer shares 3 Secrets To Successful Video Marketing On YouTube.

Video marketing is one of the fastest growing and most effective promotional strategies. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all now allow their users the capability to post videos. YouTube is currently the second largest search engine after Google. Just a few years ago, it was impossible for users to publish personal videos on such a diverse collection of platforms.

If you would like to leverage the power of video marketing on YouTube, here are 3 secrets from Video Jedi marketer:

1. Focus on Telling a Story

Video viewers want to be entertained and not simply sold to. If you want to create value for your viewers you need to create a story behind each video since this is what will take your marketing a notch higher. Create something valuable and attract viewer attention by acting differently to other marketers that use the platform for hard selling.

2. Hook Your Viewer Within the First Few Seconds

Mobile users are increasingly impatient because they lead busy lifestyles and have many other apps competing for their attention. Make the first few seconds of your video impactful enough so that you encourage viewers to watch your videos until the end. If a video is long, you can replay the key information right at the beginning as some sort of preview.

3. Use a Suitable Thumbnail

YouTube allows you to selectively choose a thumbnail to be shown to users before pressing play. Picking an action-rich moment is an effective way to get the attention of your viewers. First impressions matter and you can improve the view count for your videos by putting a bit of effort when picking your thumbnail.

The Bottom Line

Video marketing is one of the most powerful tools available to individuals, businesses, and brands today for marketing their products and services. Follow the 3 secrets discussed here for leveraging the power of video marketing and you will be successful
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