


Sebastopol [428-429] (322-323)


Here's a capstan chantey of which I have of yet not found any recorded performance.

It is mentioned in print by just a few authors. Masefield, in A SAILOR'S GARLAND (1906), gives the lyrics only, to 3 verses. His notes about it are...notable:

"One of the best, and most popular, capstan chanties is that known as "Sebastopol." The words are, if anything, rather better than most. The tune is excellent and stirring. It moves to quicker time than most capstan chanties."

"Popular" as it may have been, it only appears in maybe two other works following. One, it seems, is Captain Frank Shaw's SPLENDOUR OF THE SEAS (1953). I don't have access to that book, but it appears to be the source that Hugill cites for his version in SHANTIES FROM THE SEVEN SEAS (1961). Hugill, who attributes no oral source, gives one additional verse than Masefield (4 in total).

The text refers to, of course, the Siege of Sebastopol, of the Crimean War. This dates the chantey to circa 1855. It is fairly clearly an adaption --of the chorus at least-- from a popular song from that decade, "Cheer, Boys, Cheer." From what I can tell however, it is only very loosely related. Just the phrase "cheer, boys, cheer," and a snatch of melody from the beginning of the chorus have been utilized.

With no aural reference, we face the not uncommon challenge of "reconstructing" this one from print. I believe the issue here is a bit more hairy than usual -- despite what seems like it may have been a simple tune -- because Hugill's melody has IMHO certain suspicious earmarks of being transcribed incorrectly. I am not certain of this, but based on what I believe makes the most rhythmic sense, I created this rendition. (Of course, if a melody is transcribed in Shaw's yet-to-be-seen text, it might clear some things up.)

Thanks go to folks at mudcat.org for a bit of help brainstorming on this rare song.

Please check out the whole chanteys project playlist, at


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