


Keeper Of The Light | 7.20d | Tim Dota 428


KOTL is sooooo good now

| Dota 2 | Match ID 4257986702 | Patch 7.20d | Subscribing helps me out ! |
Legend Bellow (To Find yourself search your friend ID number and the hero you played inside the search on my YouTube page) This needs to be the friend ID listed inside of steam. Use your friend ID instead of your steam name.

"Player Name" | "Friend ID Number" | "Hero Name"

Team Good Guys
Tim | 44173145 | Keeper of the Light |
tokyo | 360617697 | Phantom Lancer |
YZ | 173618719 | Centaur Warrunner |
Cooper | 119471591 | Huskar |
pour one out for aquila | 208232397 | Shadow Shaman |

Team: Bad Guys
314896512 | Razor |
228365957 | Kunkka |
206172153 | Mirana |
274069552 | Ogre |
111454068 | Techies |

Episode Tim Dota 428


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