


[FEH] Tana True Solo - BHB Alm & Faye (Infernal)


That feeling when charging into the enemy forces turned out to be better than a safe bait. Was also more interesting with Bonfire triggering left and right. XD

The Axe Cavalier with Rally Atk/Spd+ and Atk/Spd Ruse was giving me too much trouble if I tried having Tana deal with other enemies first, so I thought why not just try to get rid of Axe Cavalier as soon as possible. A DEF stacking build was required for Tana to survive the initial onslaught, and doubled up as a way to deal with the Lance Knight later on. Didn't require healing throughout the run, so Bonfire was the Special of choice as it did enough extra damage and had lower cooldown compared to Ignis.

Hope you all enjoy!


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