


[FEH] Aether Raids #56 FINAL: 1st Top 3K Miss? (Tier 26)


Disappointing week. But, let's see if we can finish strong.

Mock Battles:
- Matthew: Returns with his evil Peri/Joshua combo
- Titaia: +10 Alms aren't nice

- 40 offense lost (120 total)
- 65 defense lost (285 total)
- 0 Aether missed
- 0 ladders used (2 left)
- 8 fights down

Today's mistakes:
- I had a clear against Matthew but I needed Cain to take a hit. I would have never taken that hot garbage of a clear anyway though.
- I was fortunate to one shot the Alm on fight 1. He... Did more damage than I thought. ;_;
- I made a critical mistake on the 2nd fight...Caine didn't transform!! Yikes! Been awhile since I did that. Thankfully with no need for Aether I could afford the mistake.

Final thoughts:
- Worst week in awhile but at the end... Still too 3k. I'll take it.
- Mjolnir's Strike... Looks like it's going to be easy to climb for awhile. Let's see how the difficulty changes? It seems like I can get high ranks due to my arena team.

How was your day? Week?

Other videos:

Want to see a video of Ike VS The World (Mock Battles) of everyone in tier 21 on my friends list?

Part 1:https://youtu.be/fX5Jqj_jMt8
Part 2: https://youtu.be/2GJj-0J1lmI

Mythic Altina Summoning Session:

Legendary Altina Abyssal Clear:

Alm Vs Arena:

Latest Arena Assault:

Choose Your Legends 3 Showcase Fights:

#AetherRaids #FireEmblemHeroes #FEH


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