


[FEH] AR Tier 21+ Defense-Light #8-6/飛空城 位階21↑ 光-防衛結果(2020.04.06)


We rarely get a chance like this battle.

*My Defense Team*
No dancer, only cavalry. And no blessing dedicated to Aether Raids.

①Kempf +10
W: Venin Edge
S: Harsh Command+
Sp: Aether
A: Distant Ward
B: Poison Strike3
C: Savage Blow3
S: Swift Sparrow2

②Sully +10
W: Bull Spear (*Special Skill*)
S: Draw Back
Sp: Galeforce
A: Atk/Spd Push4
B: Wings of Mercy3
C: Hone Cavalry
S: Heavy Blade3

③Olwen +10
W: Blarblade+
S: Reposition
Sp: Moonbow
A: Death Blow4
B: Guard3
C: Drive Spd2
S: Atk Spd2

④Olwen(WT) +3
W: Thunderhead (*Special Skill*)
S: Draw Back
Sp: Moonbow
A: Fury3
B: Vantage3
C: Atk Smoke3
S: Death Blow3

⑤Gunnthrá +10
W: Blizzard
S: Reposition
Sp: Glimmer
A: Fort. Def/Res3
B: Chilling Seal
C: Res Ploy3
S: Def Ploy3

⑥Priscilla +2
W: Panic+ (Dazzling Staff)
S: Restore+
Sp: Miracle
A: AR-D Spd Def3
B: Wings of Mercy3
C: Fortify Cavalry
S: Drive Atk2


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