


[FEH] Sorry, brother! SF!Nino True Solos Linus GHB Infernal


Hi Summoners,

Been planning to send out Scattered Fangs Nino for another True Solo for a long time, but I've been kept busy with the main crew so hardly have time for her. Still hope to +10 her at some point, and I'm now chasing that Combat Manual for the free merge. Hope I will have more orbs the next time she's on banner.

For this clear, I could have used Miracle to end it a couple of turns faster, but adding another no-special clear to my list was too tempting. Hope you enjoy this one.

The build:
Scattered Fangs Nino (+6, +5 DFlowers)
- IV: +Atk
- Weapon: Giga Excalibur
- Special: None
- A: Life and Death 3
- B: Desperation 3
- C: None
- S: Swift Sparrow 2

Music: "Magma Flows" from Kirby Air Ride

Sanaki's True Solo: https://youtu.be/x5x8VddLED0
L!Robin's True Solo: https://youtu.be/OyvAOR6BXOs
S!Robin's True Solo: https://youtu.be/-nCiUl_momI
Caeda's True Solo: https://youtu.be/OJWJPyThpHg


More of my videos:

Sanaki showcase:

True Solos with Legendary Robin/F!Grima:

True Solos with Summer Robin:

All True Solos including cameos from Caeda, SF!Nino, Clarine and Velouria:

#NoSpecial #FlyingNino #TrueSolo


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