


Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) - Mythic Heroes - Frejya & Triandra (Banner) Summoning


In this video I pulled on the Mythic banner of November. I apologize if the thumbnail and title may be misleading but I was actually planning to mainly roll for L!Azura and a merge for L!Corrin. I did want to get Frejya because I just liked on how the art style has some similarities with Sencha's (L!Corrin's artist) style. I mainly saw it on the coloring. I might roll for Frejya on March if I still want to but the good thing about that is she's with L!Edelgard and if I plan to pull for her I can possibly get a merge for Edelgard just to neutralize her bane. But I am still thinking about it whether I would roll or not for Frejya before this banner ends but that will mean that I would have to tap on my resources again and by the time this video has been uploaded I only have 500-600+ unclaimed orbs left. Basically I'm starting to run low on orbs now. It was at around 800+ but then I had to tap it for this banner. Frejya is a good unit the only thing that's stopping me is her bulk and her movement type. But those weaknesses can becovered depending on how you play her and support her.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ian_Saifer
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Thanks for watching

Under Night In-Birth OST - Purity & Strictly
Fire Emblem Fates - Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate ver.)

#FEH #FEHeroes #fireemblemheroes


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