


Grass Conquests - A FEH Multiplayer collab! - Fire Emblem Heroes


A new and exciting project, joining the concepts of Rival Bromains and editing prowess!
How can you join? By joining my Discord Server, you'll have a chance to join in the future! https://discord.gg/n2GuXhw

The selected players play a game of Grand Conquests as their prerferred unit, all the while I act as a game master of sorts and record the match itself.
I then proceed to edit everything and make it in video form, following the player's ideas and editing suggestions!
Fanservice AND fun!

The people in this episode:
Wrys - Emboar bof (me)
Cherche - chrillo
Julius - Shuunya
Arvis - Arvistotele
Tobin - FeeshieBoi
Brave Ike - MikeSharpMNI
Lukas - The Trickster/Pumpkin
L'Arachel - Madie/King Of Despair

#feh​​ #fireemblemheroes​​ #FEHeroes​


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