


Resonant Battles Week 79 Guide F2P Min SI ,easy Harmonic inclusion [FEH]


Here is a Free to Play solution for this weeks Resonant Battles Week 79.

This is the first week that we get to see our new Shamir in action, and she doesn't dissapoint. She Consistently doubles everyone, she is still kinda tanky, she conveniently doesn't have a B-slot so we can give her Lunge... she really does it all.

However the map itself was a bit tricky so we had to utilize a Wings of Mercy Smite unit. That isn't really Shamirs fault though, as the only kind of unit that wouldn't need smite here, would be a flying unit. And any flying unit would take extra damage from Merrics Excalibur. So this really was the best possible outcome.

If you have any questions or problems with the solution, leave me a comment and I will answer to the best of my ability. #Balthiar #FireEmblemHeroes #ResonantBattles


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