


Resonant Battles Week 80 Guide F2P Min SI ,easy Harmonic inclusion [FEH]


Here is a Free to Play solution for this weeks Resonant Battles Week 80.

This Week should have been quite hard because we basically only got units from one Title, and more importantly NO dancer, but It really shows how strong the Three Houses F2P units are. Shamir and Leonie are both excellent units in this mode, and with a little help they get it done entirely without a dancer.

I also don't know if we will need Merges on our Harmonics this week, as I haven't pulled for Lysithea yet, but I will give you an update later this week.

If you have any questions or problems with the solution, leave me a comment and I will answer to the best of my ability. #Balthiar #FireEmblemHeroes #ResonantBattles


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