


FEH Abyssal Ashera Mythic Hero Battle: Seiros True Solo


"One annoying green enemy not bad enough? How about SEVERAL? WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA—"

Right. As much as I hate her because of her tragic statline and other factors, Ashera is no pushover herself.
The power of the Abyss is a horrible thing.

Also included in this nightmare:

- Ruse.
- Flash, on a Far Trace cavalry healer. Well, until she dies on Seiros's very first combat.
- Green Null Follow-up Bladetome Mage with wildly varying damage.
- Green Thief. As always.
- Lunge Axe Wyvern.
- Chill Speed that actually matters.
- Chill Attack/Res.
- Near Save.
- Drag Back Axe Pegasus that goes all over the place.
- A funky Near Trace Armoursmasher Cavalier
- A blue bow who is... very threatening to red units.
- Far Save.
- And a manakete that just... exists.


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