


[FEH] Halloween Sothis vs Legendary Chrom LHB (Abyssal)


Chrom didn't want to surrender his sweets, so he paid the price. Poor fool.
Limited battles came around again, so I figured I'd do another FEH solo since the last one I did with Ishtar was so fun. This time I'm using Halloween Sothis against Abyssal Chrom. A *much* harder map compared to my previous foray with Lugh and Raigh.

This map was a fun uphill battle, between all the archers (including Chrom himself) demanding I run Iote's Shield to even stand a chance, as well as the plethora of strong axe units and a healer that amplified the damage that said axe units would deal to me.

I honestly didn't even know if I would be able to solo it, because the axe units kept dealing so much damage to Sothis in failed takes, even accounting for the damage reduction that Dragon Wall gave her. But it was doable, and I'm pretty happy with the end product.

I have one more FEH solo vid I want to put up sometime within the upcoming week, and after that, it should be back to usual Tales stuff with me.

My friend Magnus also did a solo of this map with his main unit, Brave Dimitri. Check it out here if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_f2OHE7hBg&t=67s
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