


[FEH] Aether Raids Defense Replays #12 (Anima Season)


Finally got some pretty good results this anima season, though I’m still not 100% satisfied with this team, I feel like it could do a lot better. I have enough copies of Reinhardt to +10 him, but I still need to collect so many feathers. I already prepared my defense setup for dark season, which I’m pretty excited to see how it does since I spent so much time and thought into it.


0:00 Battle 1 (Ninja Shamir)
2:57 Battle 2 (Reginn)
5:21 Battle 3 (Thórr)
5:36 Battle 4 (Reginn, again)
8:45 Battle 5 (Fallen Young Tiki)
12:12 Battle 6 (Reginn, once again)


#fireemblemheroes #feh #feheroes #aetherraids


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