


Tinking the Goddess's Judgement | Hubert True Solo vs. Ashera Abyssal MHB [FEH]


It's finally time to take on the Goddess of Order and her servants, now that we have the tools to survive the map's most dangerous enemy - the brave blue bow.

Ashera's arena is an unusual diamond shape, cutting off access to the corners, while encouraging you toward the middle to take advantage of the defensive bonuses from the fortress tiles.

An aggressive approach is exceptionally dangerous thanks to her pair of save units so that she and her nearby allies are covered for both one and two ranged threats. This means I have to do a good portion of the map under the effects of two chills from the Sword Fighter, while waiting for an opportunity to clear them out. Despite Hubert's colour advantage, the far save will survive and kill on retaliation until it is removed from a defense tile, so a patient approach is needed.

Ashera's reinforcements don't have much offensive prowess at all, so once the Blue Brave Bow is in check, almost nothing on the map can deal significant damage, including Ashera herself. Despite the fact that Abyssal Ashera is alarmingly fast, she doesn't have null follow-up, so a combination of Stance and Atk Smoke 4 completely shuts down her ability to land a special, and from there whittling away at her support stops her from doing almost anything meaningful at all, to the point where I have enough flexibilty in the endgame to ego position her into attacking Hubert on a defense tile, causing even the Goddess of Order herself to tink a 35 res mage.

So if you're ever having a bad day, remember even goddesses smite for 0 on occasion.

#fireemblemheroes #hubertvonvestra #truesolo


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