


Guidance 4 is both a blessing and a curse [FEH]


Teleport stuff is almost as broken as Tier 4 Spd DR B-skills. Gatekeeper’s refine is gonna change A LOT of things. I’m seeing it already.

Anyway, to all my subscribers, I dunno what spirit possessed y’all to subscribe to this channel, but I’m grateful to that spirit. I didn’t expect to hit 1,500 subscribers at all with the simple content I make. Seriously, I am flabbergasted.

I didn’t really plan for this, so I’ll just ask. What type of content would you guys like to see from me in the future? Lemme know in the comments, yeah? I’ll see what I can do.

Once again, thank you very much. As thanks, I’ll put the music in here (just this once hehehehehe)

#fireemblemheroes #fireemblem


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