


🔴 FEH's Ultimate Test of Skill


One phrase sends chills down the spine of every feh player who hears it... Limited Hero Battles. I will be braving every Limited Hero Battle on every diffivulty in this stream for the ages.

what's up guys it's me connerzac, aka the #1 vyland player in the world, aka the lowtiergod of feh, aka diet jerma, and today i am vylanding.

Stream Archives: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzQ6aKLzYIpgRYvUO2M821YH_hgXXfjLV
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ConnerZac_
Discord: https://discord.gg/5n6JH3x3Cw

#FEH #FireEmblemHeroes #FEHeroes


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