


Sothe, Legendary Robin, NY Azura, Marth - GHB Grand Hero Battle Valter - FEH Fire Emblem Heroes


Dream team takes on Valter. Forget what I said about Berkut giving me some trouble, this one was the hardest!

Panic ploy made Sothe’s Peshkatz and Tactic buffs work against me all the time. I’m thankful I had Sothe’s standard C Spur Atk/Spd and Marth’s buffs to help as Panic don’t affect them.

I changed the standard Windsweep on Sothe for Watersweep while trying to find a strategy as there was no Distant Counters and I had to kill a mage with him (but looking back I think it made no difference as the mage wouldn’t have killed him and he didn’t take any damage afterwards).

NY Azura and Marth also showed they are there to do some killing as well. Marth shone!

Special thanks to Guidance seal as it saved my beloved Sothe from Valter.


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