


FEH HM Farm 270419 - Lunatic 2 turns 3 units


Units required:
- Tibarn w/ Galeforce
- Flying dancer with WOM 1 (If using L!Azura, use Sing instead of Gray Waves. Also, you may need to take off Prayer Wheel so Tibarn doesn't get buffed.)
- Attacker with WOM 1

Make sure to unequip all weapons and assists from all units besides the 3 above.
If you want to use my Tibarn, feel free to add me @ 3087504477

Q: Can you use Naesala instead of Tibarn?
A: Maybe, but you need to make sure Naesala gets into WOM range.

Q: Do you have to use L!Azura?
A: No, any flying dancer will do.


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