


She'll Help You Live A Better Life. FEH PA!Azura Killer Builds - Fire Emblem Heroes


FEH PA!Azura Killer Builds! PA!Azura Awesome Builds for PvP, PvE, PvAnyLetterEver! Fire Emblem Heroes Performing Arts Azura Review

Fire Emblem Heroes Performing Arts Azura is the first Green Dancer in the game! That would be enough to make her a valuable unit, but FEH PA!Azura is also a powerhouse on the battlefield - so let's talk about FEH Axezura! BUT, a quick word of warning - the Performance Arts Banner is limited time! So if you want Performing Arts Azura to build, you should get her now!

When we ask how to build PA!Azura we really want to know should we treat her like a dancer, or should we leverage her combat prowess? Well, let's dive into this Fire Emblem Heroes PA!Azura Review and answer that question!

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➡ Link to Deltran's PvP Threat (DPT) list, usable in KageroChart combat sim AND Mass Combat Simulator:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS9akgMRdsmm-EJ4EZVorA3QgwBeVxo8cuJW6u29Geadhz_G1Lc1J3xNivi348MZ1duwGt1WFzaEOf7/pub ⬅

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