


[FEH] Aether Raids #36 Day 3: Baby Steps (Tier 22)


We got pummeled pretty hard in day 2. Just trying to stop the bleeding. We only have to fight 1 time today. Let's go.

Fight 1: Pretty tough. Lots of +10 units. A pseudo stall team with Winter Eirika. Throw some IP on this, and some Rally traps and I don't think I survive. But... Not what it is. I'm able to baby step my way up the left side. Take my time, run away even, and set things up. A lot of tactical baiting here. Perfect.

- 0 offense lost (40 total)
- ?? defense lost (40 total)
- 0 Aether missed (2 total)
- 0 ladders used (1 left)

Put a bandaid on, and now we're ready for day 4.

How was your day?

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