

FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

【FGO】Gilles and Jeanne Army Challenge Quest ft Double Van Gogh / Castoria【Fate/Grand Order】


A comp that I have been wanting to show off ever since I saw Van Gogh's kit. As it turns out, Van Gogh is her own best support.

You can replace Castoria here with any good Support Servant for more or less the same result (Merlin, Skadi, Waver, Tamamo, Jeanne etc, or even the non SSR ones like Hans or Mash).

As for the CQ itself, it is an interesting concept that is similar to the Dark Round of Saber Wars 2. While it might look intidimating at first, the only real threat here is Jeanne Alter due to her 2 turn Taunt on Gilles before Break and invul piercing after Break.

傷痕 - SEQUEL colony


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-FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

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