

FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

[FGO NA] SABER WARS 2: Bounty Hunt "Dark Rounds Shadow" - Space Ishtar 8 Turns (400% Powermod)


Fate/Grand Order USA server - Cosmos in the Lostbelt
SABER WARS 2 - To the Beginning of Space
Challenge Quest - [Ultra High Difficulty] Bounty Hunt "Dark Rounds Shadow"
セイバーウォーズ2 ~始まりの宇宙へ~

BGM: ♪Accord - 己稀/Roman So Words - Album: Roman's

8T is the easiest TA you can do. It is basically 4x 2T cycle of normal attacking when shield up, then np when shield down. For Space Ishtar particularly, there are many setups you can do, with or without double support, and you don't exactly need NP5 for it. 6T and 4T are possible first run, but harder and limited to only few certain servants, and you need to sack some Bestia del Sol drops for more dmg. Re-run is much easier to attempt those since you get 5 more Bestia del Sol from missions, and Castoria.
My NA IGN: ꧁Leonhart꧂

FC: 629,363,538

#FGO #FGONA #FateGO #FGOTA #セイバーウォーズ2 #高難易度 #超高難易度 #ダークラウンズシャドウ #カーマ #スペースイシュタル #8ターン

-FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

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