

FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

【FGO】Ordeal Call 2 - Nitocris Alter Boss Fight 3T Clear ft Jeanne Alter NPC


Chapter 12 Arrow 6

- With the power of the Scales of the Underworld, the enemy Nitocris Alter will invite the Servants on the player's side to die after a certain numbers of turns have passed.
- When ally Nitocris Alter is on the field, a vow will be made and by abiding by it, the player's Servants will be able to extend the number of turns it takes for the Scales of the Underworld to trigger. However, if they don't abide by it, triggering will take less turns instead.

- The main gimmick for this chapter still applies, only Avengers can damage Nitocris Alter (Avenger)
- Every Servant starts with a Death timer (10 turns). When it reaches 0 turn, that Servant dies.
- The ally Nitocris Alter will assign a random vow between: "not using NP", "not using skills" and "not killing enemies". Keeping this vow for 3 turns will increase the Death timer and grant various buff/debuff, breaking it will decrease the timer instead.
- Killing any enemy will reduce the timer by 3 turns.
- On first break, Nitocris will gain "Increase resistance the more allies she has".
- On second break, Nitocris will gain "Decrease Death timer by 5 turns when using NP".

To be honest, the easiest way to beat this is to just simply ignore the Vow and kill her before you die.


-FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

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