

FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

【FGO】 - 【レディ・ライネスの事件簿】『高難易度』 「もう一つの主従」令呪1使用


【FGO】 - 【Lady Reines Case Files】『High Difficulty』 「Another Lord & Retainer Challenge Quest 」1 use of Command Seal

RNG messed up the third turn... Was hoping Alexander would kill one off so I can get NP from Helena. So I had to use 1 command seal for Dantes NP... And I should have hit with Buster first before NP, might stand a chance taking out Alexander in one goal and next on Waver.

Might as well show one vid where I mess up at the end on a challenge quest.

-FGO(Fate/Grand Order)の攻略動画

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