


New Cards from The BOOMSDAY PROJECT: Hearthstone Compendium. Trump & Kripparrian vs The Community!


🤝 ​Special thanks to the Chris!​​

🤖📢 You can also vote and assess your favorite new cards

🤖❓ So, does the new expansion theme impress you or not?
I created a new YouTube vote. Vote and write your answer in the comments!

🤖📢I invite you to take part in the Streamers Battle and determine the champion of Card Reviews. Choose your favorite. At the end of the season, we will find out who makes the most accurate predictions.
🏆 #4 Streamers React toHagatha the Witch - https://youtu.be/pdp5x3BMn9U
🏆 #3 Streamers React to Genn Greymane - https://youtu.be/SnU7W48dDRE
🏆 #2 Streamers React to Shudderwock - https://youtu.be/aDYouHIEOog
🏆 #1 Streamers React to Baku - https://youtu.be/7f8MWZzPPYM

🤖💬 Codes for decks from video
### Mech Mage

🤖💬 Full Streamers Card Reviews

Kripparrian. The BOOMSDAY PROJECT Expansion! - Boomsday / Hearthstone - https://youtu.be/fykofTIM1aA

Trump. NEW EXPANSION & NEW CARDS - BOOMSDAY PROJECT! | Card Review | Hearthstone - https://youtu.be/cZradkZNz9U

1 Electra Stormsurge - 92% (5) Meta-defining!
2 Spider Bomb 76% (4) Very Good
3 Omega Defender - 72% (4) Very Good
4 Stargazer Luna 72% (4) Very Good
5 Biology Project 70% (4) Very Good
6 Myra’s Unstable Element 56% (3) Playable

🤖💬 Sorry for English, is not very good. 🙂 More charts and videos are coming soon!
Thanks to all the new You Tube subscribers! And also to my subscribers with closed accounts. I do not know your nicknames, but THANKS!

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