


Handlock & Cubelock are back?? This deck does both!


Warlock is really good in Titans right now, taking the Big Undead package from before and sprinkling in some powerful early game from new Titans cards. When you combine the two, it starts to look like a combination of two classic Warlock decks, Handlock and Cubelock!

Deck List: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAcbbBAblsATOkgXCpQX5xgWm%2BwXo%2FwUM56AEjpIFpZIFwJIFhZMF1JUFyOsF%2BvkF1%2FoF7f0F8YAG16IGAAA%3D
Deck Code: AAECAcbbBAblsATOkgXCpQX5xgWm+wXo/wUM56AEjpIFpZIFwJIFhZMF1JUFyOsF+vkF1/oF7f0F8YAG16IGAAA=
Deck Power Estimate: This archetype is currently high Tier 2 on HSReplay.net, and this specific list has the best win rate within the archetype.

0:00 Deck Introduction
1:14 Deck Gameplay

#Titans #TitansDecks #RegisKillbin


Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone
Handlock & Cubelock are back?? This deck does both!


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