


17 cards in this deck were buffed... how is it not better?


Control Warrior has gotten buff after buff over the last year, but until now, it's continued to fall short of meta relevance. Well, finally, FINALLY they made it happen, Control Warrior is a Tier 2 deck... barely.

Deck List: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAd7iBAaIoATipAW53QXG8wWl9gXYgQYMiaAEjtQE6tAF69AF7NAFtPgFtfgFjvsFkPsFofsFpPsFhYIGAAA%3D
Deck Code: AAECAd7iBAaIoATipAW53QXG8wWl9gXYgQYMiaAEjtQE6tAF69AF7NAFtPgFtfgFjvsFkPsFofsFpPsFhYIGAAA=
Source: https://twitter.com/WuLingHS/status/1692448351214874986
Deck Power Estimate: This deck is low Tier 2 according to the data. I found it rather successful personally, and believe skilled players can generally do well with it.

0:00 Deck Introduction
1:36 Deck Gameplay

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Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | Control Warrior got 1000 buffs... HOW IS IT NOT BUSTED??

Warrior got 1000 buffs... how is it not BUSTED??


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