


MHF 2:09 diorex hr5 clear gunlance (partner+fostas) |ディオレックス


2 clips stringed together from my Death God's Embrace HC challenge run.
Got a funny and fast diorex kill with gunlance here. Gear is also all obtainable in hr5, which goes to show how stupid easy this game is if you know what to do.

The challenge:
- play through the entire pre G rank section of the game with Death God's Embrace (1/8 chance to die off of any hit that inflicts damage)
- No using lance or guns, bow and gunlance ARE allowed (this is because lance has a stupid active feature ability that makes the challenge not a challenge, and guns are just.. guns)
- Anything that CAN be done in Hardcore mode, MUST be hardcore mode.
- Before anything is bought with GCP or NPoints, the monster or quest from which it comes must be cleared at LEAST ONCE.

The first 48 seconds of the game are muted because a friend was talking. I respect his privacy.

The random cut after about 1:30 minutes of the video is because the first clip ended. This video is 2 clips stringed together.


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