


8 - MHF Love Letter Video March 2024: Training to win the race to prevent the war.


Dear Athletes of Life,

This Love Letter is about tough love. We all know that we are facing harsh realities. Hyperinflation is increasing, human rights are being violated left and right through war, and a sense of overwhelm, anxiety, despair, fear, anger, hate, and resentment are prevailing.

If you receive this Love Letter, you are most likely one of the few actively seeking ways to keep your head above water. I hope this Love Letter inspires you to see this process, necessary for the evolution of the human species, as a race that needs to be won to prevent a global state of war. I’m defining this war as continuous and increasingly destructive actions designed to violate human rights.

How do we win the race? By training for it, by taking on the Athlete of Life Mindset, and join many who are creating bubbles of health, peace, joy, service, equanimity, and love.

Are these bubbles an attitude of ‘putting our heads on the sand? Absolutely not. It takes a heightened level of unveiling and seeing the accurate picture to take courageous steps to create a reality that lines up with our true values. I will define these bubbles as an organic, harmonic global resonance acting as a cleansing agent to the toxic waste in our world.

Join me this month in a Social Media Narrative dedicated to training you to win this race and join a collective intention to clean up our act—perhaps this time around, reaching a true state of freedom, without smoke and mirrors.
Skills for Life: Taking ownership of creating Beauty-FULL environments.
Bountiful Resources: "What is decentralization?" A short 8-minute documentary.
Movement Memory Drive: Moving powerfully through your lower abs.
Pro Tips: Rev6 Essentials for optimizing any type of motion.
Your HoliFit BFF: Winning the race to prevent the war through decentralization.
HoliFit Goodies: How to Produce a Holistic Environment - a new micro workshop in the HoliFit Shop.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook, and receive all the love we’ll share.
Watch my Love Letter video, where I expand on the why and the importance of choosing this topic.

Please share with anyone you know who could use a sense of hope with tangible ways to activate the Athlete who wins this race.

Stay tuned and Flow with it!
Mayra HoliFit


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