


MHF: Ethiopia Rescue Mission


HERE, in the corner of a city;
in the corner of a country;
in the corner of a world you may Never Know

IS A PRISON housing people who have done Nothing Wrong

Children with nowhere else to go.
Children whose mom (or dad) has been sentenced for whatever reason; on whatever pretense TO PRISON

HERE, in the federal prison of Ambo, Ethiopia are about 2,000 inmates, including 95 women and 25 children school age and under.

The kids are here because the alternative—life on the streets—is worse. Much worse.

HERE, in prison with their parent, someone loves them,
but cannot provide a bed, clothes, education, health care—a future.

WE ARE MHF. We provide Relief, Education & Health Care
for people in extreme need; often in hidden-away places—

We feel called to meet deep needs: solve Big Problems.
Our track record is excellent: people seek us out.
With YOUR HELP, we are able to respond.

HERE in Ambo, with a team of 12 local volunteers, we plan to keep hope alive for 25 children imprisoned with their parents
in conditions impossible to describe.

WE ARE HERE to show God’s love; provide bunkbeds, clothing, a classroom and teacher and health care, including immunizations. Long-term, grounded, practical solutions.

As you might imagine, the need is urgent.

The good news: THIS PRISON DOOR IS OPEN; we are welcome in this place;
people are eager to receive our help—all WE need is YOUR HELP.

Please give—what you can—today. Let’s Work Together.


MHF is registered with ATBCares' 15% Matching Program (Alberta Treasury Bank). Every donation makes a big impact towards the rescue mission!

Visit https://www.atbcares.com/donate
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